Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Kanebo #LunalsolMY15 make-over experience!

A few days ago, I was given the opportunity for a make-over by Kanebo's make-up artist who flew in all the way from Japan - Ms. Kobayashi!

Ms. Kobayashi's been in the beauty industry for more than 30 years and worked with Kanebo for the past 15 years so she has ample amount of experience in the field. (I don't know her age exactly, but she looks fabulous for someone who's been in the working industry for thirty years!)

Anyway, let's head on and start with the make-over experience!


This is me after having my face prepped - with Kanebo's Impress skin care series, if I'm not mistaken (sorry, I have memory of a goldfish!) - and already my face looks dewy. Right, right? It's totally not me being biased, right? Or it could just be good lighting, HAHAHA. However, my face honestly felt slightly more supple and looked dewier.

All the products from Kanebo Lunasol's latest Spring Collection - Sandy Beige Purification which themes on purification - for 2014 were already properly laid out and before we started, she asked me what look I wanted to go for; normally, if I was doing the make-up for myself, I'd opt for neutral shades so I told her to go for natural and I guess she went with natural as I wished. :) 

And so...the transformation begins! LOL.


In the midst of making up for me, she kept complimenting on my good (her exact words were beautiful skin!) skin and she has no troubles with making up for me. Hehehehe. *smug* 

She was also incredibly gentle and she doubtlessly knew what she was doing. I liked that she used both eyebrow pencil and powder, and mascara, to fill in my brows for me.


And voila! This is the outcome of it all. It took merely half an hour for her to finish, I think.


It looks like I barely have any make-up on yet it makes all the difference! (If you read further on, I've included selfies. Hehehe.) My face looks almost flawless and more luminous, it's glowing!

I've never personally tried any Kanebo products so this would be my very first time and I have to honestly say that I love how dewy and radiant Kanebo's products made me look. One more perk is the fact that it feels SO light on my face, it feels like I'm barely wearing any make-up and it's an honest opinion, I'll have you know. 

I've tried various foundation products and they always feel thick on my face - which is a feeling I'm not a fan of, but I'm pleasantly surprised that the one Ms Kobayshi-san used on me felt so sheer yet provided such great coverage! Gee, I think I am now be a converted Kanebo fan.

These are the few of the products - Sand Natural Cheeks blusher in EX01 (limited edition!), Sand Natural Eyes quad eyeshadow palette in 04 and Full Glamour Lips lipstick in 25 (I think?) - she used on me.

Included these close-in pictures because I especially love how my brows and lashes look! After this, I sort of want to buy Kanebo's mascara and eyebrow powder palette for myself. I also like how she did it with the eyeshadow because if I were to do it myself, I'd blend everything, LOL.

All in all, I love how the make-up looks so non-existent and flawlessly radiant. 

Pictures with Ms. Kobayashi who did a superb job. :)

They - Kanebo people, lol - also graciously gave me a bag of Kanebo skincare freebies even though it was such an impromptu plan/decision. :) 

Ending the post abruptly with a photo of me sniffing a very sleepy Tinkerbell... 

...because I'm terrible with endings and goodbyes.



  1. Great post, dear)
    Beautiful makeup!
    If you want, we can follow each other. Kisses

  2. @ Oksana, hello! Thank you. I'll check out your blog as well.

  3. Hello Dear! I really love your blog :)) Would You like to follow each other? Following You now, hope You will follow me back :))



  4. @ Kathy, why hello. Thank you for such a sweet words. I'll definitely check out your blog as well. :)
